BRAINS: The Cerebral Code by Calvin

From: Keith Henson (
Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 12:10:17 MST

It has been a long time since I read a book which had as much meat to it
as Minsky's Society of Mind. Calvin's latest, which I have been reading
on the web--even though I ordered a paper copy, is of that class.

Calvin has gotten down there among the active elements, and while he may
have some or even many details wrong, his work on this subject is deeper
than anyone else's I know about. He has done nothing less than provide
a cogent theory of how thinking comes about. I suspect that his work
could be directly translated into hardware and a mind would emerge.

If you have not read this, do so. If the concepts are too deep, try some
of his earlier works first.

This is *major* extropian source material folks. It is the kind of work
which could lead quickly to strong AI.

Keith Henson

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