Jennifer and Lyle morph into Newton, become cantakerous old farts

Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 10:08:23 MST

In a message dated 97-01-29 06:29:45 EST, you write:

 You have seen the Newtonian side of my personality come out a few
 times. You're right, I can be abusive. You don't know the half of it...
 Can you imagine a woman with a Newtonian personality? She might
 be beautiful, in a way, but she would be Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS.
 She might have power, but not the same power Jennifer had.
you think MATH makes you mean?
Or even math was what made Newton mean?
Follow that thread, and you end up here: he was also Christian, and wrote
endless reams of nonsense, would THAT have happened to her too?
; )

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