Urgent list maintenance needed

From: Jim Legg (income@ihug.co.nz)
Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 04:10:27 MST

HELP !!!

Is it just me that is getting a rash of Delivery Error Notifications (10 in
the last 2 hours) concerning the following apparently defunct address on
the extropy list?



Jim Legg http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~income
Man * Soul / Computer = 12 ^ (I think therefore I surf)

> From: Mailer-Daemon@ICDC.COM
> To: extropians@extropy.org
> Subject: Delivery Error Notification.
> Date: Wednesday, January 29, 1997 10:48 PM
> You sent a message which could not be delivered.
> The error message is:
> Too many retries
> Here are the first 20 lines of the original message you sent.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> SMF-70
> To: edward_maciocha@icpphil.navy.mil
> From: MBBS@BBS {MBBS: INT:extropians@extropy.org}

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