Re: PSYCH/PHIL: We ARE the Experience

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Mon Jan 27 1997 - 15:43:00 MST

J de Lyser wrote:

> A few years ago the world changed massively from analogue musical storage
> devices to digital. Loss of data (of elements of the music) was prefered
> over the noise (and limited DURABILITY !) of the analogue storage devices.
> In a way not the music (emotion) is stored, but the data to reproduce that
> music (emotion).
A long standing techno golden eared music friend of mine tells me that
18 bits and 100Khz sampling pretty much takes care of the usual
complaints abount 16 bit music CDs. Rates like these are found on
digital mixing platforms. Also it is very difficult to get much better
than 92db S/N in digital recording, the typical music CD runs in the mid
80db range. With DVD coming out, I expect that 24bit 100Khz or a similar
extra hi fi standard will emerge fairly soon....

> Most people have some parts of their body removed at some part in their
> life.
In late November I had nasal surgery for sinuses (septum realignment,
removal of excess turbinate) and laser surgery for snoring (no more
uvula, that little thing which hangs down, and my throat opening is now
rectangular). No more snoring means I can sleep nights with my partner.
That's just mundane body modification. I can think of lots of transhuman
body modifications.....

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |

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