Re: brutal prose, genius, gender issues and math

Date: Sun Jan 26 1997 - 15:05:03 MST

In a message dated 97-01-25 22:40:28 EST, you write:

 QueeneMUSE: - Allow me to help.
 I've put up a DOS freeware version of my AI development called the INGRID
 THOUGHT PROCESSOR complete with Quickbasic source code, a tutorial and
 examples. It literally allows you to 'see what you think' and with a bit of
 practice it intuitively takes hold of your mental feedback systems. The
 practice sessions can easily occupy hours at a time and are best done,
 first off in creating maps of intrapersonal space, with someone acting as
 an elicitor.

Where do I get to experience such a thing ( in wonderment and appreciative

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