Re: Vegetarianism & the Transhuman condition

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Jan 24 1997 - 18:20:51 MST

At 10:28 AM 1/24/97 PST, Michael Butler wrote:

>I seem to recall a story by either Silverberg, Sturgeon or Farmer
>that dealt with almost precisely that--only it was a "universe next
>door" story, not a future shock story. But they weren't grown without
>brains--just bred for stupidity and had their tongues surgically
>removed (at weaning?). Protagonist falls in love with a heifer

Piers Anthony, `In The Barn'.

Anthropophagy has a long and honored history in sf: eating Mike in
Heinlein's STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, the criminal invention of
`bananameat' in Varley's OPHIUCCHI HOTLINE, the gene-sampling of heroic
figures for the meat vat in Delany's STARS IN MY POCKET LIKE GRAINS OF SAND,
the ritual cannibalism in THE DREAMING DRAGONS by

Damien Broderick

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