Re: Genius -- the evidence

From: Mark Grant (
Date: Fri Jan 24 1997 - 12:18:14 MST

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Hal Finney wrote:

> Consider another possibility: not that women lack mathematical talent,
> the intelligence needed to be considered geniuses, but rather that they
> prefer to devote their attentions to more worldly concerns: family,
> relationships, life.

Which certainly seems to be true for several of my smart female friends,
who set out with grand plans of fame and fortune (though not mathematical)
and threw them away in the name of love.

It's also interesting, as the most rabid attack on that attitude (that
life is about other people) I've come across is by a woman, Celia Green;
or perhaps that's because she's ranting against her genetic programming.
She seems to think that it's an excuse used when leading an exceptional
life becomes too hard.


"What is usually omitted from this exposition by the patient is that
 between the period at which classics (or whatever it may have been) was
 `nearly heaven' and the period at which human relationships became the
 central thing in life, there was usually a stage at which classics was no
 longer particularly easy."
        - Celia Green, _The Human Evasion_

|Mark Grant M.A., U.L.C. EMAIL: |

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