TECH:COMP: tartan, bags, pipes, and linux

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Jan 23 1997 - 12:28:30 MST

Apple and Prime Time Freeware (PTF) announced impending availability
of the DR2, the reference release for MkLinux for PowerPC. MkLinux
has been developed as an Apple project, PTF being the distributor
(2 CDROMs and 400 page ref manual). Each customer has the right for
one free update. Current state of the work in progress can be sampled at: (if http:// doesn't work, try ftp:// )

Current DR2beta (, patched with the "PCI-Update Kit" now
offers limited support for the PPC 604 and the PCI bus of say Model 7200.
PPC 601 and NuBus systems are more stable, already.

Observers day some of the MkLinux parts might be instrumental for the
refurbishing of the Next OS, which is based on the older, monolithic
Mach2.5 kernel.

If you don't like microkernels (shame on you), Australian National
University is working on the Linux-PMac, a native port of the monolithic
Linux-2.x-kernel for the PCI PowerPC systems. Check out

for current state of the art.


P.S. Disclaimer: No, I am not a relative of Linus Torvalds, nor I am into
messing with aquatic birds of the Arctic. It's just that Linux is a
great, free OS.

P.S. The best way to accelerate a Mac? 9.81 m/s^2.

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