Re: Plea (was ExI: Cognitive Extropians)

Date: Mon Jan 20 1997 - 23:16:22 MST

In a message dated 97-01-20 21:26:15 EST, you write:

 ...And which is still nonsense. There is no "balance" any more than
 one can balance "green" with "loud". Reason and emotion are simply
 distinct things. They do not exist on the same scale to be balanced.
 They are incommensurable. Disjoints sets. Emotion exists, just as
 dice exist, LSD exists, and reason exists. But for the purpose of
 discovering the nature of reality, one must use reason /only/. Not
 "balanced" with emotion, dice, hallucinations or anything else. Of
 course, I like using dice for playing games, and I like using emotion
 for making life interesting. But not for discovering truth and making
 progress. >>


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