Re: Plea (was ExI: Cognitive Extropians)

Date: Mon Jan 20 1997 - 18:27:43 MST

In a message dated 97-01-20 18:07:45 EST, you write:

<< I don't think I've ever said anything contrary to that. Indeed, I quite
 clearly stated that I experience and enjoy emotion regularly. To deny
 their existence in myself or others, or to act to supress them, would
 indeed be irrational.

Actually I believe you said you wallow in them. ; )

<< What I am saying is entirely different. I am saying one should not
 /evaluate/ ideas by the emotional response to them, but by reason. >>

Which is balancing emtional response with rational thought, and what I
 to begin with.

 use words only to manipulate the emotions of the listener--positively
 as well as negatively--is to treat him as a puppet instead of a human.
 He has a rational mind.>>

No one suggests you should do that.

 <<He has free will. I know this because I know
 that I have free will. I refuse to insult him by tailoring my ideas
 to his irrational reactions. Indeed, if I know he has these irrational
 reactions, I want to help him overcome them, not deny or evade them.

We can get into free will if you want, just know that I also beleive like you
that we have it, and am also aware that it is something that needs to be
practised just like restraint of pen and tongue.

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