Re: Plea (was ExI: Cognitive Extropians)

Date: Mon Jan 20 1997 - 18:07:59 MST

In a message dated 97-01-20 17:42:49 EST, you write:

 Call me a button-pusher if you will; I hold the title proudly. Consider
 me the QA department for the mind. There's a bug here: if you push this
 button, it malfunctions. Your response is "well, don't push that button" >>

No, I made no such statement.
It was not hinted at in my post, I reread it. I merely said that if your
goal is to open communication, it is far better to know the common and
obvious buttons before you push them, and suggested angering people
unneedlessly was not good for spreading your memes.

In this dialogue you seem to be fond of putting words in my mouth, once you
told me I was telling you to seek mystical nonsense, now you claim that I am
telling you NOT to push buttons, I did not say that, why did you "hear" that?
 you might want to look at that.


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