Re: 101 ways to spread transhumanist memes.

From: Regina Pancake (
Date: Thu Jan 16 1997 - 11:35:35 MST

>I have noticed a few changes amongst my circle of friends after a few
>years of being exposed to positive transhumanist modes of thinking
>and acting. Their tolerance for negativity and useless bickering has
>declined, we talk more about plans and dreams for the future, and they
>have become more proactive about seeking out other positive individuals
>for purposes of dating or friendship. I have also noticed the quiet
>movement from shelf to shelf of certain books and back copies of Extropy.
I have seen the small changes within my employees and friends as I've
exposed them to this mode of thinking, that is thinking like a
bickering about useless stuff is not tolerated here. My partner in our bussiness
hires many an AA member when we get big jobs building props or costume
pieces for the studios. this exposes me to quite a cross section of
humanity that has "slipped" on the path of life. quite a few of them over
the years have been influenced by how I approach each new situation. which
everyday around here is
always something to keep you on your toes and thinking.
keeping a positive out look and talking openly about Extropian values leads
to some interesting conversations and alot of funny looks in my direction.
but I've seen where it helps. exspecially me.
I'm glad that Natasha likes to host parties cause that gives me a venue in
which to bring in the people that want to know more.


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