Re: Extropians web site?

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Tue Jan 14 1997 - 22:58:16 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker writes:

> Has ExI made any inquiries regarding setting up its own server? At some
> point you are probably going to want to offer internet services not
> generally available on commercial services, or experiment with new things
> that would probably scare a traditional ISP. I'd be happy to donate a
> machine, physical space, and maintenance effort to such a project, but
> I could not afford to pay for all the bandwidth myself.

On the other hand, I would feel much happier paying for web services.
Maintaining large sites can be a pain not to mention taking a lot of time.
If I had the time to maintain the Extropians server (for free), it would
mean I've got way too much time on my hands.


             Michael Wiik             Messagenet Communications Research

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