Re: ExI: Cognitive Extropians

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Jan 14 1997 - 15:02:42 MST

At 09:22 PM 1/13/97 -0600, Eliezer wrote:
>>"Extropian" refers to a bunch of people, more rocket scientists than
>>cognitive scientists, who want to take over the Universe, improve their
>>bodies, and *occasionally* you will run into an Extropian who wants to
>>improve their minds.

One problem with "improving the mind" in the sense of making it more
efficient, bigger, and faster is debugging: as Intel's experience should
have shown us, the faster you make the chip, the faster it produces
volumes of wrong answers if there is a flaw.

Therefore, at least as important as intelligence increase is debugging.
I.e., philosophy and epistemology. Let us not only strive for more
answers, but for correct ones. Capability without control is like a
rocket-propelled car without a steering wheel.

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