Re: Libertarian or "Dynamic" Socialism (fixed)

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jan 08 1997 - 21:55:29 MST

Excerpted from an article in today's HotWired:

                 Wednesday, 8 January 1997
                 Post No. 7 of 8
                 by David Korten

                 Steve, trying to hide the
                 fact you're an economist
                 won't work. As soon as a
                 woman realizes you believe
                 rejecting reality will make
                 it go away, she'll know

                 The importance of
                 information does not make
                 corporate power and our
                 ultimate dependence on the
                 planet's life-support
                 systems go away. And just
                 because the ideologues of
                 global capitalism avoid
                 mentioning class and power
                 doesn't mean that they
                 don't exist in a capitalist

                 My Webster's dictionary
                 defines capitalism as "an
                 economic system
                 characterized by private or
                 corporate ownership of
                 capital goods." A
                 capitalist is a "person who
                 has capital," "a person of
                 wealth." Simply put,
                 capitalism is an economic
                 system ruled by people with
                 lots of money.

                 The world's 358 capitalist
                 billionaires have a
                 combined net worth of
                 US$760 billion - equal to
                 the total annual incomes of
                 the world's poorest 2.5
                 billion people. Prepare for
                 a shocker, Steve. Global
                 capitalism is not
                 classless! And the power of
                 global megacorporations is
                 used by capitalists to
                 exert control over
                 ever-expanding portions of
                 the global economy. They
                 monopolize information,
                 limit the availability of
                 competing products, dictate
                 cultural tastes through
                 media control, and buy
                 politicians to rewrite laws
                 in their favor.

                 You don't think
                 corporations plan their
                 global expansion? Attend a
                 board meeting of the
                 Campbell Soup company.
                 Corporations aren't
                 rewriting the rules to
                 create a global economy?
                 Check out a meeting of the
                 World Trade Organization.
                 Or just read the business

                 Steve, let's get to the
                 heart of the matter. The
                 Bionomics Institute falls
                 into the classic trap of
                 libertarian think tanks
                 funded with corporate
                 money. You don't
                 distinguish between freedom
                 for people and freedom for
                 megacorporations. You even
                 reject the idea that a
                 corporation is an
                 authoritarian system of
                 organized economic power -
                 a reality as obvious to
                 most people as the need to
                 have land, water, and
                 sunlight to grow oranges.

                 Steve, you'll be startled
                 to learn that I am also a
                 libertarian and an advocate
                 of market economies.
                 However, as did Adam Smith,
                 I recognize the difference
                 between a healthy market
                 economy comprised largely
                 of small, local enterprises
                 serving local markets and a
                 diseased market economy in
                 which a handful of
                 megacorporations grow like
                 a spreading cancer sucking
                 the life from people and
                 nature. Is the disease
                 running out of control? You
                 bet it is. And the patient
                 is dying.

                 It is within our means to
                 create healthy market
                 economies that work for all
                 the world's people without
                 destroying the planet's
                 life-support system. For
                 concrete ideas on how, see
                 the final chapter of When
                 Corporations Rule the
                 World. Though it won't be
                 easy, we can and must
                 eliminate the cancer and
                 reorder our economic
                 priorities. The first step?
                 Stop rejecting reality.

I found one fat error: comparing the ASSETS of the 300+ richest people
to the ANNUAL INCOMES of the worlds poorest 2.8 billion people. Apples
and oranges. THose people live in nations where personal property is not
recognized as a human right, so they consequently have ZERO assets with
which to build lives with.

He correctly identified the mercantilist/government collusion that goes
on daily. However his prescription of "STOP REJECTING REALITY" is about
as vague as Schroedingers Cat.

Anyone else?

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Now Featuring: 
My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA)
MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday
Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH)
Transhumanist, Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, 
Artist, Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.
If I saw further than others, it is because I had an
unjoggled view from standing on my own two feet.
                        - Mike Lorrey

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