MEE(A?)T: DC Extropian gathering

From: John Blanco-Losada (
Date: Wed Jan 08 1997 - 10:49:00 MST

Since Kathryn alluded to our get-together in a message the other day, I
thought I'd post a brief summary. I'm cc'ing this to the main list in
the hopes that it will serve as an inspiration for other Extropians to
get together and for those in the DC area to subscribe to the Extropians
East list.

Several of us in the Washington, DC area got together this past Saturday
night for dinner in Alexandria, Virginia. In attendance were Kathryn
Aegis, Douglas Houts, Mark Crosby, Simon Levy, and me (John
Blanco-Losada). Tom Morrow even made a surprise appearance!

This was basically a meet & greet session for us to get to know one
another beyond our usual email interactions. Aside from learning what
each of us does "in real life," we didn't have any Singularity-causing
revelations, but we did have an extended discussion about our favorite
cartoons. All in all it was a very enjoyable evening, and I encourage
other Extropians to make an effort to meet one another. We hope to
gather again, probably around some local event of Extropian interest.

 John Blanco-Losada "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M. Gandhi

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