From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sun Jan 05 1997 - 11:40:55 MST


   The so-called "J-Brain Project" (J=Japanese) is an ambition of mine to
   see Japan invest in a large (2000 scientists and engineers) national
   project to build/grow/evolve an artificial brain with 10 million
   evolved neural net modules, over the time period 2000-2005. This in
   NOT an official announcement of such a project, its only an ambition
   of mine, and is something I am working towards. Its one of the main
   reasons why I came to Japan in the first place.
   How realistic is such a project?
   You will be able to see from other sections and papers on this web
   site, that our Brain Builder Group has already put about 10 million
   artificial neurons together. (See the new 2D model on the Image File
   2). We are confident that by 2001, we will have achieved our target of
   a billion artificial neurons. The numbers are no longer the issue. The
   next problem to be confronted was how to evolve each neural module
   quickly. This problem will be solved by the summer of 1997, with the
   completion of the CAM-Brain Machine (CBM), which uses FPGAs (Xilinx's
   XC6264 chips) to evolve a neural net module in about 0.1 second (with
   about 30 neurons embedded in a cellular automata space of about 2000
   CA cells). As each module is evolved, the resulting CA circuitry is
   downloaded into a tiny fraction of a gigabyte (or more) of RAM. The
   same programmable CBM can then be reprogrammed to update the whole
   huge space in a small fraction of a second. At the moment, the idea is
   to imagine the RAM as a large apartment block, with empty cubes where
   the evolved module's CA circuitry is downloaded. Between these hollow
   cubes are software generated CA-trail communication highways
   connecting modules. The high level design is human dictated, the
   modules are evolved with human specified functions. Thus the approach
   is a compromise of top down human design (at architecture level), and
   bottom up evolution (at module level).
   Imagine it takes an evolutionary engineer (an EE) (see the talk on
   this web site "Million Module Neural Systems Evolution : The Next Step
   in ATR's Billion Neuron Artificial Brain ("CAM-Brain") Project") one
   hour to conceive and evolve a neural net module (and to consider its
   function in relation to a global architecture of all the modules and
   their connections). How many modules could a small team of 5 people
   evolve in a year? The answer is about 10,000. Such a brain building
   project could be undertaken by university groups and small start up
   companies, so long as they had a CBM and a lot of RAM in their
   workstation. With 30 people over 3 years, roughly 200,000 modules
   could be evolved. (If sheets of modules are needed, e.g. a retinal
   layer, then the CBM could be run under software control to evolve
   large numbers of modules, each only marginally different from its
   neighbors. This would significantly increase the efficiency of the
   project). I hope my Brain Builder Group will start building a 10,000
   module system in 1997. If that is a success, then it is likely that
   the size of the Brain Builder Group at ATR will increase to division
   size, so that about 30 people could work for 3 years, to build a
   200,000 module system. We would become true "brain architects". If the
   larger project is a success, then I think the time would be ripe (i.e.
   around the year 2000) to launch a major national brain builder
   project. Hence the idea of the "J-Brain Project".
   International Competition
   Brain Building I believe will become one of the main technological
   activities of nations in the early 21st century. It will be the
   vehicle by which nations measure their scientific and economic
   prowess. Since Japan has roughly 4 times the savings rate of the US,
   and invests in itself far more heavily than the US, I prefer to see
   Japan become the world leader in this new field. In fact I'm rather
   cynical that America will be able to even pay for such an undertaking.
   The US consumes more than it produces, with Japan paying most of the
   shortfall in the form of buying US government bonds and the like. The
   interest on this debt is now impacting badly on America's ability to
   fund blue sky research. The US brain drain to Japan is already
   underway. I see it every day, living in Japanese research labs. Since
   I plan 10 to 20 years ahead, I reason that Japan is the best place to
   brain-build. Thats why I live in Japan.
   The only way I see the US spending big money on brain building is if
   the field is seen as having strategic (i.e. national security)
   implications. America's DoD (Department of Defence) could spend big
   money if it felt it necessary. Our Brain Builder Group now closely
   collaborates with the Chinese, so if the Americans do feel that the
   field could become strategic, then they cannot afford to let the
   Chinese get too far ahead.
   I see Japan as America's main economic rival and China as America's
   new political rival, perhaps even a future enemy. I have a similar
   love-hate relationship with the Chinese as I have with the Japanese. I
   have a great pride in Japan's economic achievements and its likelihood
   of being number one for a generation (2000-2030) before China takes
   over and dominates (with its 1.2 billion people and 10+% growth
   rates). China was civilized millenia before either the west or Japan.
   Europe's dominance for the past 5 centuries is a mere historical
   glitch from the the Chinese 5000 year cultural perspective. They know
   they will dominate next century. So do I. I want to be part of the
   action, even though I am disgusted at their nepotism. (The problem
   with being cosmopolitan, is that its impossible to share the same
   prejudices and ignorances of a local population. The greater the level
   of cosmopolitanism, the greater the cynicism, I find).
   So - if any US DoD or NSA types read this and get alarmed, dont
   assassinate me, just ask me to collaborate with you. I will tell
   anyone who seriously wants to collaborate with our Brain Builder
   Group, everything that I know. We already collaborate with groups in
   Japan, China, US, and Europe. I have no particular loyality to any one
   country, because I have lived in 6. I guess deep down (and in the long
   term), I'm a Cosmist. (I think it would be a tragedy if humanity does
   not develop the next VASTLY superior species in the coming centuries.
   That would be a cosmic error.) So playing with potential international
   rivalries only accelerates the rise of Cosmism. I'm quite upfront
   about this. I believe this new Cosmist doctrine will dominate 21st
   century global politics. (See the Cosmist essays on this web page).
   Dr. Hugo de Garis,
   Brain Builder Group,
   ATR, Kyoto.

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