[Fwd: Re: SPACE: Mass transit idea: graphic att.]

From: Michael Lorrey (retroman@tpk.net)
Date: Sat Jan 04 1997 - 15:04:15 MST

attached mail follows:

SOrry I forgot to attach the graphic.....
> Mark Grant wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 30 Dec 1996, Michael Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > > Putting some old Thunkthussp onto the problem, I concieved another type
> > > of construction, that we could call a Lorrey Loop, if it hasn't already
> > > been thought of yet by someone else. (besides, it would really truck
> > > too!) ;)
> >
> > This, or something very similar to it, is in 'Man and the Planets' by
> > Duncan Lunan. Don't have my copy handy. That book includes many
> > interesting methods of travelling around the solar system.
> >
> Thanks Mark.
> After some discussions with Hal Finney, and some more involved
> calculations, I've developed a more final concept for the Lorrey Loop.
> Its rather convoluted, but actually a lot more feasible and basic than
> many beanstalk concepts out there. The attached diagram shows the path
> that the cars would take, relative to the orbiting GEO stations. NOTE:
> THe cars in an absolute sense will be following a classic Hohmann
> elliptical transfer orbit, which when viewed from a GEO station, would
> appear to cross over itself as the cars angular velocity drops below
> that of the rotating earth.
> With consideration for Kennita, I'm using a GIF format in greyscale, so
> its less than 20 K, which should load easily (thats the best I could do
> to get sufficient resolution).
> According to my caculations, this concept should fly.....
> --

			Michael Lorrey
President			retroman@tpk.net
Northstar Technologies		Agent Lorrey@ThePentagon.com
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive	Silo_1013@ThePentagon.com
Website: http://www.tpk.net/~retroman/
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If I saw further than others, it is because I had an
unjoggled view from standing on my own two feet.
                        - Mike Lorrey


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