Re: Re[2]: Techno, ahem, Electronic music

Date: Sat Jan 04 1997 - 11:22:46 MST

In a message dated 97-01-04 13:09:50 EST, you write:

<< Notice that the usual MDMA/amphetamine mix you can buy is usually debased
 by all kinds of synthetical impurities/stretching stuff like strychnine &
 Co. I think I also heard MDMA was neurotoxic, especially to substantia
 nigra? I also seem to recall a horror story on a overheated designer drug
 batch, which caused victims to (irreversibly) lock rigid in course of a
 single day, <shudder>. Before you ask, that was not an urban legend.
say, theres a book about this incident which sheds light on the activities
and powers of the brain, w ill find out what it is called- I skimmed it, it
is fascintaing, really....

Going to Barnes and Noble now -N

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