Re: FYI: perfidous aspartame strikes, yet again. Has it sunk Atlantis? , (NEUROLOGY , ALERT (fwd))

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Jan 04 1997 - 02:54:43 MST

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> > [...]
> What does this old news about Dr. Olney's barely suggestive correlation
> study have to do with Extropy?

Nothing whatsoever. Absolutely. It is just I seem to recall a couple of
posts on the bad, bad aspartame way back on the extropy list, and, as the
bionet is periodically hit by resurgence of antiaspartamism by Mrs. Betty
Martini & consorts I thought I'd let the quality of the evidence speak for
> > More information is published on our website, . . .
> Olney's study is actually not bad as correlation studies go, but nothing
> else on this Web site deserves to be called "information".

Please observe the subject line.


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