Re: EXI: News items for Exponent newsletter?

Date: Fri Jan 03 1997 - 23:24:25 MST

Some people might like to know I wrote part of a book on formulating products
without preservatives. So many people nowadays don't want poisonous
preservatives in the drugs and cosmetics they use:
Enigl, Davin C. and Kent M. Sorrells. 1996. Water Activity and
Self-Preserving Formulas. In: Preservative-Free and Self-Preserving
Cosmetics and Drugs. Jon J. Kabara and Donald S. Orth, Eds. Marcel Dekker,
Inc. New York, NY. ISBN: 0-8247-9366-8. pp 296. $150.00.

Davin C. Enigl, MS-MEAS

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Validations
for the Food, Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Industry

HACCP Validations (sm)

January 3, 1997
7:41 pm

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