Re: Immortal Souls, infected memes....

Date: Thu Jan 02 1997 - 08:02:27 MST

In a message dated 97-01-02 00:16:30 EST, John Calrk writes:

<< Yes, I too am very glad that great religious scientists have, for whatever
 reasons, chosen to devote at least some of their time to Science, I'm just
 saying I don't understand it, if I was religious I could think of better
 things to do than study Science. Actually, I don't think my view would be
 completely incomprehensible to religious people, take Isaac Newton for
Like worshipping, cringing and feeeling very very small? ; )
I know what you mean. I don't understand it either. But maybe you would get
tired of pleading and whining and accepting fate - and try something
(science? art? philosophy?) to empower yourself, even if it meant risking the
wrath of the big daddy-o.

>>Newton was a very religious man, Newton was a very obnoxious man, Newton
an arrogant bastard, Newton was the greatest genus that the Human Race has
 yet produced. Tragically this colossal intellect was horribly infected with
 the religious meme. This meme hijacked most of his massive mental machinery
 and forced it to think and write far, far more about religion than about
 Science. Today even Theologians admit that the many millions of words that
 Newton wrote about The Bible are worthless. Newton advanced Science more
 any other Human Being, but I think it's one of the great tragedies of
 that the rarest, most valuable quality that existed in the world was not
 to full advantage. Think what Newton could have accomplished if his mind had

 not been caught in a infinite loop, and I blame religion for that. >>

Yes I agree. After I posted that last message about how in the *past*,
religion and "such rubbish" was the norm, I realized I was being just a
teensy bit optimistic. 90 percent still believe, and among scientists it's 70
percent still...
Tragedy is a good word. Lunacy maybe even better....

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