Re: Eliezer?

From: Kennita Watson (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 18:45:24 MST

>Eh-lee-eh-zur Yuhd-cow-skee, or Ell-ee-eh-zur, depending on how fast you
>pronounce it.

>And, as long as we're doing naming trivia, the S. is for Solomon.

One more trivium: Is the short form "Eli" to be pronounced "ee-lye"
or "eh-lee", or shouldn't I use it?


Kennita Watson | The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,| but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do
                  | members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
                  | -- Richard Bach, _Illusions_

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