Re: Creative AI Shortcut?

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 17:50:25 MST

>> Has anyone mentioned the obvious current reference, Steve Thaler and his
>> Creativity Machine? It's generated >11,000 new musical themes, e.g., and
>> some interesting new ultrahard materials. (There was an article on this in
>> NEW SCIENTIST 20 Jan 96, 22-26)


Thaler `is reluctant to talk about the precise configuration of Creativity
Machine used on [the search for ultrahard mnaterials] because he has applied
for a patent in it. But he will say that the imagining network is large,
with inputs and outputs representing every possible quantum state for every
electron in every atom of a molecule.

`Thaler trained this network by showing it 200 examples of two-element
molecules, such as water and iron oxide, to teach it plausible combinations
and proportions. He also trained the filtering network so its output
correctly gave the Mohs score... Then he turned on the noise and waited.'

Noise is the key, as always...

( p. 25)

Damien Broderick

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