Re: MEMETICS: Evol. psych. connection between drugs and cults

From: Keith Henson (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 02:58:26 MST

 Michael Lorrey wrote:
> Robin Hanson wrote:
> >
> > Kieth H writes:
> > >Successful cult memes induce behavior (typically focused attention)
> > >between cult members which trips the "improving status" detectors.
> > >Tripping the detectors causes the release of reward chemicals without
> > >having much (if any) connection to "real world" improvements in
> > >reproductive success.
> > >Examples of focused attention are "love bombing" in the Moonies and
> > >"auditing" in Scientology.
> >
> > This is the one idea with real content in Kieth's post. But it needs
> > to be fleshed out a lot more. If focused attention makes us go gaga
> > so, it is a puzzle why more other social institutions don't find some
> > way to trip this detector more. Why don't we see more analogues to
> > "love bombing" without all the other destructive behavior?

Economics I suspect. Focused attention costs because it involved at
least the time of another person. On the other hand, we *do* see a lot
of low cost tries. Telemarketing for one. Ads which try to simulate
> I remember reading in one of the science journals about a study done
> where subjects just stared into each others eyes for certain periods. It
> turned out that the longer you locked eyes, the more likely you were to
> develop feelings of attraction for the opposite person. Does this sound
> like an analogue to the focused attention effect?

Might be. There is a lot to be learned in the way we primates react to
each other.

 ------- Message 2
Anders Sandberg wrote:

> Hmm, I think this is a very common technique. Many religious groups (even
> fairly benign) use it, it exists in introductory courses (my psychology
> professor used it to get us very motivated and social; it was almost
> chilling how well it worked), some people get addicted to attention
> (especially if they have a weak self-image), just look at many parties.
> Once you look for it, it is everywhere.

Excellent example. In fact, the reason we do a lot of things, including
posting to this mail list, is because of the status it gets us, which we
can sense by the level of attention we get. Not that I expect many of
us will improve our reproductive success (or even get extra mating
opportunties) by these activities, but none-the-less, that seems to be
the origin of the motivations involved. <g> Keith Henson

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