Re: The Second American Civil War

From: Kennita Watson (
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 23:09:16 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:
>Well, my biggest, or his biggest success, was my former business
>partner, A... Hes now 3 years sober. He was the one I tried the most
>with, endured the most crap with, etc.

This is what I expected. Congratulations on the results of your efforts.
Threatening to kill people is certainly farther than I would go. For all
but a few people, even going to AA meetings every day for 6 months is
farther than I would go. It looks like there's no quick fix. Please
remember not to think badly of those who don't have anyone as dedicated
as you on their side. Hm -- I guess it's also tempting to think badly of
those who are in a position to help others, but aren't as dedicated as you.

>needless to say, my early efforts
>didn't work, as I really didn't understand what I was dealing with.

So that prospective interveners may avoid some pitfalls and wastage of
time and effort, could you describe some of those early efforts?

>One of the big things both I an he learned were that you must
>acknowledge how screwed up you are.

Yes, but until you do, no amount of someone else thinking you are will
help. Reality has to tell you (lost job, lost relationship, lost health,
lost home, etc.) in no uncertain terms.

>We all are screwed up. Thinking
>you're a titan and invincible is just a trip to insanity.

I read these as "nobody's perfect". I see no advantage in painting myself
as "screwed up", even though I know I can stand to make some changes in my
life and attitudes. (People who've known me for a long time will recognize
_that_ as a change, and I expect most of them would consider it a change
for the better.)

>I think the biggest thing I like about transhumanism, and why I no
>longer care so much for the continual "I'm a piece of shit, and there's
>nothing I can do about it" mentality of many AA people

I think that comes from the religious aspect. Christianity (at the base
of the original AA, "higher power" aside) promotes the idea that you
are nothing without Christ.

>is the hope for actual improvment in the average human condition, and
>that such improvement takes the actual efforts of us as individuals.

A good formulation of Dynamic Optimism, I'd say. Just one more bounce
on my main point: looking down on humans, or thinking badly of them,
stands in the way of improving their condition.


Kennita Watson | The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,| but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do
                  | members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
                  | -- Richard Bach, _Illusions_

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