Dynamic Optimism

From: J. Daugherty (daugh@home.msen.com)
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 20:54:42 MST

Sorry, this post doesn't cut it. It is an equivocation....I never suggested "banding together" to fight the state. I suggested exposing the State as a conspiracy....spreading the "government is a conspiracy meme". The "anti-conspiracy meme" to which I was refering is the idea that "there is no conspiracy", no ruling class behind the facade of the State....an idea very favorable to the growth and health of the State.

Yes, of course, the Statist label anyone who opposes the State as being part of a conspiracy. THEY know what they are doing. Libertarians and Extropians don't as proven by their refusal to expose government as a facade for the ruling class/conspiracy.

From: Hara RaJames Daugherty:
> I am even optimistic that Extropians and Libertarians will
> eventually see that the anti-conspiracy meme is a powerful pro-state meme
> and stop clinging to it!
If we band together to oppose the state, then we become a conspiracy.
Becoming a conspiracy provides a rationale for suppression by the state.
Therefore the notion of consipiracy is a pro state meme. To take a leaf
from Ian Goddard,

Conspiracy = ~Conspiracy = suppression by the State...
| Hara Ra <harara@shamanics.com> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |

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