Re: SEC: going armed?

From: Eric Watt Forste (
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 14:58:49 MST

Mike Lorrey wrote:
>While the unconstitutional 5 day waiting period a la the Brady Bill is
>currently before the Supreme Court, even with such waiting periods,
>getting a concealed weapons permit is rather easy, so long as you have
>no criminal convictions. Even a felon who has no violence/weapons
>convictions can get a concealed weapons permit by going before a special
>board, in most jurisdictions. I've got one, my brother has one, as does
>my father.

Local government bodies in most large urban jurisdictions in
California deliberately conspire to make it nearly impossible to
obtain a CCW permit, despite the fact that this is in violation of
state law. I stopped following the legal challenges because they
usually end up getting wrapped in some bundle of sanctimonious red
tape or other. Of course I've carried my pistol concealed, but
frankly I have better things to do with my time than play games
with the local protection rackets to secure their permission. I
understand that this reprehensible state of affairs does not obtain
in most jurisdictions in the US, but I have many criteria other
than the attitudes of the local legitimized Mafia to take into
account in my choice of residence.

Eric Watt Forste ++ ++ 

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