old jokes revived (was: extropian humour)

From: J de Lyser (gd33463@glo.be)
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 11:54:49 MST


How many transhumans does it take to change a litebulb ?

- 1. But first, he needs to figure out what the litebulb wants to change into.


Why did the transhuman cross the road ?

- so he could cross the next road.


A robot, a posthuman, a transhuman and a member of the natural law party are
in a small space station around proxima centauri 2. Suddenly the computer
shows a defect to the thrusters and their orbit begins to decay. The
estimated time for the computer to finish repairs, is slightly longer than
the time it takes for the space station to burn up in the atmosphere. The
robot rationally makes the suggestion that someone should jump out to slow
the decaying process. The posthuman picks up the robot and throws it out,
saying 'we have no need for that 'thing' anyway'. They make the computer
recalculate, but it shows they are still too heavy. The transhuman kicks out
the posthuman, and says to the natural law party member:'we have no need for
that 'thing' anyway'. Again they feed in the new data but the computer shows
that they are still about 50 pounds too heavy to complete repairs in time.
The natural law party member picks up the computer and throws it out: 'we
have no need for that 'thing' anyway'...



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