Re: DEFINITIONS: Extropy/Entropy?

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 29 1996 - 16:36:39 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:
> Romana Machado wrote:
> >
> > >The definition of "extropy" has evolved over time. If there's to be a
> > >discussion of it, it would be good to begin with the most current version,
> > >as printed in Extropy #17.
> >
> > Sounds like a good plan to me. I hope that the most current definition will
> > soon be more widely published and make its way to the web sites that
> > concern it, and that Max More and Tom Morrow are credited as its
> > originators forevermore.
> >
> > >
> > >The current definition is" "Extropy -- the extent of a person's or a
> > >culture's intelligence, information, vitality, diversity, opportunity, and
> > >[personal] growth." "Personal" might be removed since it fits with person
> > >but not very well with culture.
> > >
> >
> THere was some debate on the definition of entropy, as it gets quite
> loosely flung around these parts. Here's some reference from a paper by
> Alex Frolov:
> Clausius defined Entropy as "part of energy that can not be transformed
> into work and is dispersing in heat", (this statement of Clausius is
> translated from Russian book of 1916). W. Thomson used term 'entropy' in
> next text: "The law of dissipation of energy (entropy) teaches us that
> World is an organism developing in strictly appointed direction..."
> So from this, I would take that in a human sense, anything wasteful
> could be defined as entropic. Now, minimizing entropy would be extropic
> as such activity would be seeking to maximize the utility of a given
> resource. However, if expanding the resource base makes a current level
> of entropy minimization non cost effective (and thus wasteful or
> entropic itself) can extropy be entropic at times?
> --

Additionally, I have seen the word "syntropy" used as that which reduces
entropy, or anti-entropy.

I think what we need to do is plot out a graphical map of this sort of
memespace. I'll get back to you with what I've got in mind.....

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, 
Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.

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