Re: Breakfast in a Pill

From: James Rogers (
Date: Sun Dec 29 1996 - 01:23:59 MST

At 10:04 PM 12/28/96 -0800, you wrote:
>How close have we come to creating the "Meal in a Pill" portrayed in old
>scifi? This idea came to me tonight when I was discussing it with my father
>who thought perhaps a cereal company was blocking it from the marketplace.
>But he agreed, the meal in a pill idea would be adopted by many people, he
>and I included. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would definately
>enjoy popping a pill and saving all the time of eating a meal. To me it
>sounds like a step towards uploading where eating food would be exclusively
>for pleasure.

This is effectively impossible. The total caloric requirements of a human
being far exceed the quantity that can be stored in a single pill. The
caloric density will never be achieved, at least not without radically
rewiring the human metabolism. And this excludes certain materials the body
needs in quantity outside its basic caloric requirements.

Unless you feel like popping handfuls of pills, I see this as a totally
impractical solution.

-James Rogers

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