Re: SPACE: Lunar Billboard?

From: Jay Reynolds Freeman (
Date: Thu Dec 26 1996 - 14:50:39 MST

The Squirrel recalls a Scrooge McDuck comic book in which the Beagle
Boys were going to blackmail the world by painting the Moon black so
that no one could see it. Just think of the economic impact on
songwriters, justices of the peace, sellers of anti-werewolf defense
systems, and so on. Their evil plan was thwarted in mid-execution by
Donald and the kids, and the Beagles sentenced to Luna, with paint
remover and mops, to restore things to normal.

The Squirrel, being an amateur astronomer, was actually rooting for
the Beagle Boys. When the Moon is up, it interferes with the
visibility of most other things of interest to such hobbyists.

As far as feasibility, it was going to take a fair amount of paint.

                            -- Jay Freeman, First Extropian Squirrel

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