Re: creedal minimalism vs. Skeptic magazine

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Thu Dec 26 1996 - 00:18:39 MST

>allowed Jews to volunteer for medical experiments, so that Aryan fighter

Wait! Hold on a minute. Aryan --- Arianne? Hmmm. Connection?

>pilots could better survive height asphyxation and waterings in
>ice-cold water. Dr. Mengele even invented twin research, back then.
>He also invented early heart treatments, by injecting liquid phenol
>intracardially. Well, it was crude.

While you're singing the praises of Dr. Mengele why not meantion his
greatest invention, human skin book bindings and lampshades! Wow, what an
inventor! (sarcasm)

"You cannot discover new oceans, unless you have the courage
 to lose sight of the shore"

Chris Hind Upward, Outward, ACTION! (310-374-5543) Redondo Beach, CA
NeoReality (Personal)
Ethereal Outlook (Extropian)

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