Re: Movies & Extropian Principles

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Tue Dec 24 1996 - 23:11:51 MST

>An obvious one: The Lawnmover Man - Intelligence Amplification, The
>Government Can Be Nasty

You forgot uploading. I have yet to see the second one but I hear it deals
alot more with the concept of uploading.

>Interesting thing to note: In "The Empire Strikes Back" Luge gets a
>bionic hand at the end, and it is depicted very neutrally (as opposed to
>the general anti-bionic bias in most movies). It is just seen as an
>ordinary medical procedure.

Oh I didn't think about it in that way at all. It gave me the impression
that it was a bad thing and that he was becoming part of the dark side.
Rather an anti meme instead of a pro meme.

"You cannot discover new oceans, unless you have the courage
 to lose sight of the shore"

Chris Hind Upward, Outward, ACTION! (310-374-5543) Redondo Beach, CA
NeoReality (Personal)
Ethereal Outlook (Extropian)

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