FYI:UCLA short course on "Evolutionary Computation" (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Dec 24 1996 - 05:57:56 MST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 14:22:09
From: William R. Goodin <BGOODIN@UNEX.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: UCLA short course on "Evolutionary Computation"

On February 19-21, 1997, UCLA Extension will present the short course,
"Evolutionary Computation: Principles and Applications", on the UCLA
campus in Los Angeles.

The instructors are Melanie Mitchell, PhD, Research Professor, Santa Fe
Institute; Richard Belew, PhD, Associate Professor, Computer Science,
UC San Diego; Lawrence Davis, PhD, President, Tica Associates; and
Una-May O'Reilly, PhD, Research Fellow, AI Laboratory, MIT.

Each participant receives a copy of the book, " An Introduction to Genetic
Algorithms", M. Mitchell (MIT Press 1996), and extensive course notes.

This course introduces engineers, scientists, and other interested
participants to the burgeoning field of evolutionary computation.
Evolutionary computation--genetic algorithms, evolution strategies,
evolutionary programming, and genetic programming--is a collection of
computational techniques, inspired by biological evolution, to enhance
optimization, design, and machine learning. Such techniques are
increasingly used to great advantage in applications as diverse as
aeronautical design, factory scheduling, bioengineering, electronic circuit
design, telecommunications network configuration, and robotic control.

Four of the leading experts in this field present the fundamentals of
evolutionary computation which should enable participants to write their
own evolutionary computation applications. The course includes detailed
descriptions of many applications, as well as how to design genetic
algorithms and other methods for problems of interest to the participants.
Comparisons of genetic algorithms with other search and learning methods
are discussed in the context of the example applications.

The last day focuses on identifying promising areas for genetic algorithm
optimization, and creating a genetic algorithm that performs well on your
optimization problems.

Course participants who wish to present a problem on the last day are
encouraged to contact Dr. Davis (; phone [617] 864-2292)
prior to the course to determine its usefulness as an example. The
instructors hope to use two examples to illustrate the points made on the
final day.

The course fee is $1395, which includes extensive course materials.
These materials are for participants only, and are not for sale.

For a more information and a complete course description, please contact
Marcus Hennessy at:

(310) 825-1047
(310) 206-2815 fax

This course may also be presented on-site at company locations.

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