Re: TECH: Honda develops "Human" robot

Date: Sun Dec 22 1996 - 15:30:14 MST

In a message dated 96-12-21 03:55:26 EST, you write:

<< Well, I must admit I was wrong. I didn't have much faith in robotics and
 doubt has come back to bite me in the ass. This makes me wonder if robotics
 isn't just an extension of our evolution and the process in which we will
 discard our entropic bodies clustered with archaic unused genes and
 simplify and streamline the basic processes and function of the human body
 for macroscopic work. I guess we may not need biological drones, just
 robotic drones. We may still need a little bio though because nothing ever
 is 100%. >>

Evolution has thus far managed very well being 100% biological, at least for
the base unit.

Dan Hook

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