Re: Moods of Mind(was Re:Psychedelic singularities)

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Thu Dec 19 1996 - 18:14:40 MST

On 19/12/96, Eli wrote:

>I haven't noticed any particular poetic/emotional/visual
>aesthetics that come with causal analysis; it helps appreciate and
>invent beautiful designs and beautiful solutions, but not much else.

        Interesting point...and very valid. Now that I think about it, a
poem (I'm writing about what I know) that is written around casual analysis
would probably be quite dry. The secondary purpose of *my* poetry is to
convey my thoughts to others in an attractive means...and it just so happens
that I *can*. If someone questions me about certain terms or ideas within a
poem (of mine), I can then go into more description. If I wrote a poem on
the process of cryonics:

        They put your body on to a slab\
        And then into a ten-foot vat\
        Fueled with nitrogen at absolute zero\
        --A 320 degree thermostat.

        it would be rather dry. What I intend with my secondary purpose is
to at least spark a notion into a reader's mind. Introduce them to an idea.
>From there, they can choose to pursue their need to understand the idea, or
let it slide and praise it for what they do not understand.

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

     ~~~:~~~> E. ternity E. Shaun Russell
        :~~> E. xpansion
        :~~~> E. xtropy Extropian poet\musician

                      -The past is the only inevitability-

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