RE: Help! I want my creativity back!

From: Crosby_M (
Date: Thu Dec 19 1996 - 14:43:36 MST

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You wrote:
<Ever since I became a devout atheist ridding myself of the meme of
christianity I've funneled my creativity into logic while stifling it.
[snip] Perhaps I need a round of bad luck or two? [snip]>

In case Lee Daniel Crocker's excellent advice didn't inspire you,
here's another suggestion:
Create a sculpture of yourself (so you can 'grasp' your creativity),
put it in the center of a garden (so you can 'get back in touch with
nature'), gather some worshippers around you (preferably 'creative
people' and artists) - getting them to gather around you would
certainly require some creative effort (perhaps you can foretell the
future for them). If this doesn't work, then you're bound to become
depressed and, perhaps, get your creativity 'back' that way. Looks
like a win-win strategy; what have you got to lose?

P.S. If at first you don't suceed, try try again!

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