Re: Moods of Mind(was Re:Psychedelic singularities)

Date: Thu Dec 19 1996 - 12:39:16 MST

In a message dated 96-12-18 23:55:56 EST, sentience@ pobox writes:

<(QM)< > I think you are correct, this need to be done - but for a creative
person to
> do this would be extremely counter productive. It is exactly this kind of
> state that I try to avoid!
>>Au contraire. Speaking as a creative person who came up with a
 neurophysiological explanation of his creativity, that type of analytic
 activity is exactly what creativity requires >>
You are right, it depends entirely on what kind of creativity we are

I should have said it may have been counter productive ( timewise)for a
"visual artist", and even so I was being very limited in my projection...

I realize that now.

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