RE: Brin on privacy

From: Crosby_M (
Date: Thu Dec 19 1996 - 10:20:00 MST

Lyle pointed out:
<If somebody puts up curtains and blinds in all his windows, and keeps
them closed *all the time*, and drives a VW bus with Grateful Dead
decals all over it, plus a bumper sticker that says "Just Say Grow!"
-- that would be foolhardy, but not as foolhardy as what a certain
person on this list is doing.>

Hmmm ... if you're referring to me and 'my' .gov account, I don't
think I've admitted to doing anything illegal or subversive (lately
I also do not comment on any of the anti-government threads (though I
almost broke that rule while following *this* thread.)

Mark Crosby,
walking a fine line,

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