Re: Disasterbation (was Re: Fw: -=-Snowball War '96-=-)

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Dec 16 1996 - 14:53:32 MST

> From: Chris Hind

> >However (to paraphrase), "One can die as surely from a million pinpricks
> >as from a single sword thrust.". I get plenty of junk mail from random
> >ad agencies -- et tu, Chris? (Max, actually, in case he's still
> >this.)
> Yup, I sure do.

Me too.

> >The danger in the snowball and all chain letters is their exponential
> >nature. The note isn't just sent to 100 people and back -- it's sent to
> >"everybody you know".

I spend about half an hour a day going thru the email on this list, wich
means that i on average spend more time with the list than any of my
Flesh'n blood friends. I thoght it would be ok to share a joke on the list

> "disasterbation."

He he. Who came up with that word. A great meme.

New Media Director



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