Can we develop a better definition of extropy?

From: Romana Machado (
Date: Mon Dec 16 1996 - 15:39:02 MST writes
>Certainly, the word merits scrutiny, and its definition may benefit from
>refinement. But I expect that we will have quatifiable and objective
>measures of "extropy" no soon than we do of "beauty" and "virtue". (The
>observation by no means denigrates the utility of these words, of course.)

Certainly. By "better", in this case, I mainly mean "more easily and
clearly communicable". (I only took the "measure" tack because it was
there, in the definition before me at the time.)

Romana Machado
erotic site: "Romana Machado's Peek of the Week"
personal site: "Romana Machado World Headquarters"

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