Re: Psychedelic singularities

From: The Low Willow (
Date: Sun Dec 15 1996 - 18:49:45 MST

On Dec 15, 11:13am, Anders Sandberg wrote:

} properties they have (some can be surprising, I get better at set theory
} when I have a cold and much more creative when dead tired).

I've noticed the latter myself, and currently don't find it too
surprising. Fatigue knocks down the logical constraints and barriers,
so weirder random walks get allowed. When you are in REM sleep the
constraints are pretty much gone, and anything can happen. At least for

I'm unable to link set theory and nasal congestion.

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) <*>

Paranoia is what the lazy call wisdom.

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