
From: Romana Machado (
Date: Sat Dec 14 1996 - 00:54:53 MST

Damien asked about how I get rid of ants. I spray Raid along the crevice
where the wall meets the floor. It stinks. Ants still come in when it
rains. I read, I forget where, that ants will not cross a line of flour. I
haven't tested that.

Malcolm Maclachlan told me that forty percent of all the animals on the
Earth are ants. Edmund O. Wilson and Bert Holldobler wrote a fine book on
ants that won the Pulitzer Prize in 1991. Go see "Microcosm" if it's
playing nearby -
and see the world from the ant's perspective.

>Well off people can
>choose to afford domestic servants of various sorts, but the rest of us
>get to do it ourselves...

The following is real email from my real emailbox:

>>Hi! I live in SF...
>>I am 34, athletic, a software computer professional, a short story
>>fiction creative writer, an avid cyclist and tennis player. I was
>>wondering if you could use a skilled, loyal houseboy or massage slave.
>>I am sincere and you will not be disappointed. I can be reached at
>>415 (snip!) I went to UC Irvine and then earned an M.A. in
>>journalism. I served as a loyal massage slave/houseboy for a woman
>>in The City but she just moved. I am sincere about this. If you
>>wanted my serving you to be discreet I would keep it that way.
>>Thank you. Could we meet for coffee? I am a skilled massage therapist
>>looking to serve a woman such as yourself. I am in excellent shape.

What would you do if you received a letter like this?

Michael Butler asks "Does this make Martha Stewart a Secret Agent of Extropy?"
I suspect so - anxd I subscribe to Martha Stewart Living.

Romana Machado
erotic site: "Romana Machado's Peek of the Week"
personal site: "Romana Machado World Headquarters"

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