Re: plant humans

From: J de Lyser (
Date: Thu Dec 12 1996 - 12:36:39 MST

i asked:
><Are you implying that a more biological/environmental approach to
>transhumanism in general would be a path that ultimately leads to
>stagnation ?>

mark wrote:
>NO, not at all!
>I definitely feel that "a more biological/environmental approach" MUST
>be part of transhumanism in order to complement the mechanical and
>directed-design approaches that are often emphasized.
>As you say:
>><I can just as easily imagine a robot society just 'reproducing'
>>itself with the only goal of 'spreading' or replicating, than a
>>combined biological/technological posthuman culture.>

>This is exactly the point I wanted to bring out.

>I just happened to recall Ryman's _Child Garden_ in the context of
>human photosynthesis and, when I looked back through the book, thought
>it was ironic that *even* a society based on the advanced organic
>approaches described could end up somewhat stagnant.

like Anders wrote: it's all about balancing.

>I think you identify the reason why when you say:
><I don't think it has much to do with a technological path chosen, but
>more with the cultural goals of such a society.>

>P.S. There was another hook in there which no one bit at. I'm sort of
>glad because then I'd have to take the time to struggle with that fish
>(and it's a big one!)

maybe you should have replied it to either the privacy discussion or the non
human vs transhuman discussion as well, or are you refering to the fact that
no one lived over 40 ? I'd be happy to bite into that hook, but i think i
need a bigger worm!

the way i see it there were many little hooks in there, if you'd like to be
more specific ?

J. de Lyser

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