Re: Beyond The Beyond

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Wed Dec 11 1996 - 17:41:42 MST

>Wishful thinking.

No, Optimistic thinking.

>1) Without any type of server-side software, there will be strict limits on
>the range and complexity of dynamic content. About the most you could do
>with the Java applets would amount to eye candy. For the really ambitious,
>it would be possible to get around this via cleverly designed CGIs and Java,
>but the performance would be poor and significantly limited in scope.

Have each room be a server where any person who enters the room will
communicate with a java applet exactly the same as java chat applets work
today. Besides you only need to know data specific to what avatars are in
your field of vision. We could use IRC as well but then we'd have to deal
with the problem of netsplits. Any way you put it, we want as much
unlimited uninhibited creation by anyone. This has the potential to bring
about a new phase of the internet's growth. The net went through a
militarized age, a scientific age, and now possibly a transhumanist age
which will spread memes even further and incorporate the ideas into all
aspects of life as the internet grows to be the unified universal medium as
important as electricity, air and water.

>As mentioned above, inter-client communication *requires* server-side

Great, so let everyone be a server.

>>Fortunetly USR has a monopoly on this scene so most of us will come through
>>ok. Can't satisfy everyone unfortunetly but thats the way it is. Most of us
>>won't be able to run it as well until we all upgrade to Pentium MMX
>>200mhzs. :)
>The compatibility issues isn't with the hardware, but with the types of
>telco connections used. However, a large percentage of ISPs use the
>appropriate types of telco connections, so you probably won't have a problem.

Oops, sorry. I was referring to us not being able to use the VRML world in
the first place without powerful PCs.

If you build it, they will come! -Field of Dreams

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