techno music/kraftwerk

From: J de Lyser (
Date: Tue Dec 10 1996 - 18:07:16 MST

>"Kathryn Aegis" <> wrote:

>Kraftwerk = anti technology?

>OK, Radioactivity was their big hit, but most of their music
>celebrated various aspects of technology, such as PCs, train travel,
>the Internet. That and the beauty of their compositions, whose
>production still makes most techno bands sound like they were
>recorded in a garage. I consider Kraftwerk's music transhumanist.

>I realize that certain splits have developed among techno devotees
>lately as to what constitutes "true" techno, but I love it in all its

>Anders Sandberg wrote:

>As a friend remarked "Me and my intellectual friends were always arguing
>about whether Kraftwerk were fascists or ironic about fascism". My own
>impression of them is fascination and ambivalence to technology that can
>turn in both directions. I have been quite inspired by their compositions

Kathryn Aegis then wrote:

>You've brought up a point that I was thinking about last night after
>posting my reply. Are we as transhumanists willing to accept, learn
>from or even value ambivalence regarding technological progress? Are
>we able to laugh at our own hubris and draw strength from that?

>The humorous irony that suffuses most of Kraftwerk's compositions
>always brings a smile to my face, especially the song they wrote
>about the old-style pocket calculators that had musical tones
>attached to the number keys. Of course, my view is utterly biased,
>as I am madly crushed on Ralf+Florian+Fritz!

Well i guess you agree that if not anti-technology, they were at least not
promoting it wholeheartedly either, whereas some of todays producers are far
more positive about promoting technology, viewing it as a tool to solve
problems for the future, rather than create problems. In track titles,
project names, song texts (using more 'computer style' effects on vocals),
and in the music as well, this becomes more evident. In general the machine
side is replacing the human side of the music more and more, and guess what
?, the kids just love it !!!

As to the confusion about what constitutes 'true' techno, i think that's a
little off the subject for this particular newsgroup. Try the 313 group,
<> for that one...

Ray Peck writes, in response to Max M:

>Um, the first Kraftwerk album was 1970 or 71, as was the first Cluster
>album (why Cluster is always forgotten in these dicussions, I'll never

Sure, but i think Max meant here that the character of that music didn't
change until the mid to late 70's. (i always keep 1978 as a personal
guideline) where it was being produced electronically before, it still had
much in common with more 'traditional' music. I'm not saying it was less
exerimental or less innovating, it just became 'different', less 'emotional'
(or maybe more, depending on your point of view ;-) ), and more 'technical'
in sound.

J. de Lyser

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