Re: Trans- vs. Non-human

From: Twirlip of Greymist (
Date: Sun Dec 08 1996 - 19:21:15 MST

On Dec 8, 4:40pm, Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote:

} > So they'll die. And leave their children behind them. Who will do the
} > same.
} Whether >Hs are going to let the Hs remain Hs is debatable. They might
} regard us as children to be upgraded whether we say Yea or Nay. How can
} But, speaking personally, I damn well wouldn't let those people impose
} one second of mortal existence on innocent children.

You did say "Gentle Seduction of Humanity", did you not? We seem to
have run past that point.

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-)

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