Hypertext, Copyrights, and Royalty Distribution

From: Ken Meyering (ken@define.com)
Date: Thu Dec 05 1996 - 10:20:59 MST

Do any extropians know of any client/server solutions for royalty
distribution in the age of "all digital media on demand?"

See http://cnn.com/TECH/9612/04/internet.music.reut/index.html for a CNN
blurb on the music industry's angle on the subject.

I posed this question in a playful if not slightly cryptic way in a memo
(see http://define.com/CalculatedRISC.shtml). Although my
psuedo-technical terminology may be a bit simplistic, I'm seriously
interested in this subject, as it relates to the future "controverse" of
adaptive media, social software, and electronic debate and filtering

Now would be a good time to present some solid ideas to industry for
anyone who can articulate constructive win/win solutions to this


Ken Meyering

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