Re: Suspended Animation

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Mon Dec 02 1996 - 12:22:30 MST

From: Max More <>
> Since many Extropians, like others, seem to be prone to uncritically
> absorbing this idea, in my revision of the original Dynamic Optimism, I will
> add an analysis and warning of the Singularity idea. I suggested that the
> idea of uploading could be abused in a similar way, even though uploading
> seems far more reasonable that a Singularity.

I agree with Max's general point here, and in fact I wonder if there
shouldn't be something about critical thinking and skepticism added
to the Extropian Principles. It's great to be optimistic, energetic,
and future oriented, but at the same time you have to be very careful
that you don't get sucked into some seductive but misleading ideas.


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